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She has two younger sisters, both of whom did not get this vaccine after Elaine's experience..

Date 13.04.2016

I have listened in horror to the RedFm podcast about the gardasil vaccine. My eldest daughter, Elaine received the first dose in 1st year back in Oct 2011. Within a week she had changed and was experiencing a lot of the symptoms that I've listened to: chronic fatigue, headaches, insomnia, and constant flu like symptoms.

At the time I stupidly assumed that this was probably just the teenage years but she gradually got worse. She became anxious, had numerous panic attacks and by 2012 had
missed a lot of school and was depressed and suicidal. By this stage, we had a path beaten to her doctor and at my wits end we went to see a private child psychologist but to no avail. She eventually got help with CALMS which is the HSE run mental health service for children.

What is most horrifying is that when Elaine was scheduled to have the second dose in school early 2012 (I think) the standard questions were asked before the nurse administrated the vaccine. The HSE Doctor who was at the school that day rang me and quizzed me about her health. She advised that they would not give her the vaccine that day and asked to ring me when she was back in her office. I cannot remember the doctor's name but we had a very long conversation a few days later. The alarm bells were ringing when she asked if Elaine's name and details of her reaction to the first dose could be put on their database for future reference!!! She explained that a number of other girls had similar symptoms so they clearly knew then there was a problem!

After that, Elaine never did get another dose of Gardasil and I am forever thankful. She still suffers from chronic fatigue, chronic menstruating problems, insomnia and has had unexplained painful cysts on her arms and legs. She was never the same after just one dose of that vaccine. She has two younger sisters, both of whom did not get this vaccine after
Elaine's experience.

The HSE has a database of girls who reacted from this vaccine and they must have known four years ago there was a problem.

Elaine still has a lot of health issues and we've learnt to live with them. However I do realise that she was very lucky not to have gotten a second dose as some of the other girls stories are heartbreaking and it could have been so much worse for my daughter.

I hope this is of some assistance to someone thinking of giving this vaccine to their daughter.

Jane, Cork.

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