I just wanted to share something that I have not spoken about until now. I am so proud of my daughter Amber who went on the radio this morning to speak about the debilitating effects of getting the HPV Gardasil vaccination in school. Amber got the vaccine 5yrs ago when she was in school. Amber has been left with severe health issues due to this and she has been left on medication for the rest of her life due to getting Epilepsy. She is also in constant pain and her immune system is in constant crisis.
She is still undergoing testing for many other issues like Fertility testing, Lymes disease and Lupus to name a few. She has had the Mumps twice and infection after infection. She had also had swelling of her chest muscles which was excruciating. She is constantly tired which is a huge problem with keeping up with daily life and college but she is very brave and soldiers on.
It is a constant struggle and I would urge very strongly that you DO NOT get your daughter vaccinated for this. In my opinion it should only take one child to have adverse effects for people to sit up and take notice. In Ambers school alone we have SEVERAL children who have had major health issues. The schools will be sending home the consent forms soon but I urge you to realise that you are not receiving all the information on the side effects and please remember that the Pharmaceutical Industry is a multi billion dollar entity and your daughter, sister, niece or granddaughter is only a dollar sign to them and nothing more.
I thought i was doing the best for my three daughters when I signed and paid for this HPV injection but I have to live with watching my daughter struggle in pain and have major seizures and I also have to live with the guilt and regret for the rest of my life
Wendy, Co. Louth.
Amber's radio interview is here